We are proud to be supporting Swindon Connect!
The People Network is proud to be supporting a brand new community group, Swindon Connect.
Swindon Connect provides Swindon-based individuals with an industry knowledge-sharing platform and facilitates mentoring of those wishing to enter the IT industry or expand their knowledge, through meaningful network connections.
They aim to support local young people and educational establishments in building lasting connections to work towards reducing the skills gap. Through these introductions, they hope to increase the work experience and apprenticeship opportunities in Swindon.
Kicking off on the 21st January 2020 at 7pm will be the first of many facilitated meetups (delivering industry knowledge to those with an appetite to receive it, regardless of age, position or agenda). This inaugural meetup takes place at New College, Swindon and the focus will be on InfoSec, featuring networking and talks from industry experts James Dell, Planet IT and Stuart Peck, ZeroDayLabs. The People Network will be providing a free bar on the day so please register for this exciting event and grab a drink on us!
Register NOW: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/swindon-connect-infosec-registration-80453074311